No Recession/No Jobs

Today, I was watching NBC, and for some reason, Chris Matthews (isn’t he on MSNBC?) was on after Meet the Press. Under discussion was the economy; more specifically, Bush’s electoral vulnerability on the subject. David Brooks, Weekly Standard and New York Times writer, took exception–we’re not in a recession, he said, and we haven’t been in one for a year–it’s just that unemployment is high.

Hmmm… the economy is growing, but we’re losing jobs at a faster rate than under any other presidency since Hoover. But wait, I hear you protest, “a rising tide lifts all boats!” Sorry, JFK, but that’s manifestly bullshit. Kind of puts the tax cuts in perspective, doesn’t it? The Bush White House keeps saying that tax cuts will lead to jobs (they say so at least once a day).

The proof is always in the pudding.


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