Everybody Wants A Piece of the Action

Update to the previous post: Whisky Bar has a great post with all the numbers involved in the “loans for reconstruction” action–everybody wants a piece of the new colony of Iraq.

More countries are heeding Bush’s call to attach Iraq’s oil revenues, turning it into the newest member of the club of “developing nations” who owe more money to the IMF and foreign creditors than they could possibly hope to pay back. Iraq has the world’s second-largest oil reserves, and thanks to our thoughtless bullshit war and the destruction of the country’s infrastructure and government, they will never get a chance to benefit from those natural resources. Well, unless they overthrow the U.S. occupation/appointed government. Now, do you think that a) The War in Iraq is over? b) This will not add to ongoing terrorist and guerrilla strikes against the U. S. abroad and at home? or, c) Neither?

I’m not going to say that the Iraq war was fought for oil. I do my best not to guess the intentions of politicians; I’m much more interested in the results of their policies. Here’s what I will say: oil profits are about the only thing that the U.S. is going to get out of this invasion of Iraq. We certainly didn’t gain increased national security (see my previous post about why the war was dangerous whether Iraq had WMDs or not), world respect, or even, if you think about it, better geo-strategic positioning of our troops. 


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