National Day of Prayer and Fasting?

I was doing a search on Thomas today, looking for a random National Day of This or That. I came across a proposal for the National Day of Prayer And Fasting. Actually, it’s stump speech given by Senator Nickles in favor of S.Res.91 which was proposed by Senators Santorum and Brownback. Here’s a sample:

March, 17, 2003, should be designated as a national day of prayer and fasting.

Whereas the President has sought the support of the international community in responding to the threat of terrorism, violent extremist organizations, and states that permit or host organizations that are opposed to democratic ideals;

Whereas a united stance against terrorism and terrorist regimes will likely lead to an increased threat to the armed forces and law enforcement personnel of those states that oppose these regimes of terror, and that take an active role in rooting out these enemy forces;

Whereas Congress has aided and supported a united response to acts of terrorism and violence inflicted upon the United States, our allies, and peaceful individuals all over the world;

Holy shit. Wait, it gets worse:

Whereas our Nation, tested by civil war, military conflicts, and world wars, has always benefited from the grace and benevolence bestowed by God; and

Whereas dangers and threats to our Nation persist, and in this time of peril it is appropriate that the people of the United States, leaders and citizens alike, seek guidance, strength, and resolve through prayer and fasting: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That it is the sense of the Senate that– (1) March 17, 2003, should be designated as a day for humility, prayer, and fasting for all people of the United States; and (2) all people of the United States should– (A) observe this day as a day of prayer and fasting; (B) seek guidance from God to achieve greater understanding of our own failings; (C) learn how we can do better in our everyday activities; and (D) gain resolve in how to confront those challenges which we must confront.

Raise your hand if you think this is a violation of the first amendment! I don’t even understand why religious people would go for this either. Congress is basically assuming ecumenical powers and directing you to fast and pray in some grand scheme to fight terrorism? There’s a reason why we don’t have a theocratic state here, folks. The age of the priest-warrior-king is over–the Mayans left a large stone memo about this in the Yucatan. And then they have the gall to suggest that we’re all being told to fast in some celebration of democratic values? Well, I elect to eat, thank you.


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