Update re: Heeb Storytelling! Venue Change in Washington DC

The lovely and talented Shana Liebman, curatrix of Heeb Storytelling, e-mailed me the following, which I now share with all of you:
Because of a pipe that broke at Grille 88 this weekend, we are moving the event this Thursday to Felix–just 6 blocks up the street. We will also have someone at 88 to redirect
folks who show up there. Thanks! Looking forward to it.
<br>2406 18th Street @ Belmont, Adams Morgan, NW
<br>dinner and drinks served.
That's <font color=red><b>Thursday, March 18</b></font> in Washington, DC. I will be performing along with
Yael Flusberg, Markusha Kelner, Arianna Ross, Deborah Saks, Albert Stern, Catherine Lazarus, and Robert Zalkind
Hosted by the incomparable Raven Snook.


Anything not encased in blockquotes is © 2025 D. J. Waletzky. This site runs Casual Insides 6, now based on Wordpress.