Happy Anniversary To Me

This post marks the one-year anniversary of my blog. I'm posting this at 5am for two reasons: first, I just got off work, and second, I know I won't be able to post anything tonight. I'll be working all day today and going to a Pete Seeger concert in the evening.
Strangely enough, today is also the nine-year anniversary of the day I first met Pete Seeger. Back when I was a young firebrand in the activist movement, I gave a speech at a rally in Columbus Circle (on the exact spot where the AOLTIMEWARNER building stands today), immediately following a short performance by Mr. Seeger. This was a rally against Newt Gingrich & Co.'s "Contract With America," which we all cleverly referred to as the "Contract On America."
So, now that this blog has been through a year's worth of sporadic posting and many, many software updates, I think the time is right for me to start posting more regularly. The problem is, my posts have a tendency to balloon from a single, carefully planned wry comment about some news story into a small treatise about some random subject (and not necessarily the news story in question).
So, in the future, I promise to keep up this pattern. There are only a handful of people who actually read this and/or care about the blog, I know. Good thing I'm doing this for me and not for them (sorry, dear readers, but it's the truth).
Anyway, thanks everyone for indulging me.


Anything not encased in blockquotes is © 2025 D. J. Waletzky. This site runs Casual Insides 6, now based on Wordpress.