Hang On, Sloopy

If it weren't for the fact that I'm relegated to using AOL to surf the internet from home (no more DSL in the loft), I'd be doing much better with the regular posting bit, I swear. Furthermore, AOL doesn't work with Linux (big surprise), so I've been forced to use MacOS X if I want access to the 'net. I hate OS X. I know, it looks cool, and it's a great idea in computer science terms, but it just plain sucks in every other way. It's slow as fuck, for starters, and it hangs all the time. Plus, I can't use my three-button mouse the way I want to, so I end up having to use my middle finger while I YELL AT MY FUCKING COMPUTER. My computer's name is Pete. Usually I don't anthropomorphize computers–they hate that, as the old joke goes. But switching from Linux to MacOS X is like going back to cheap vodka after you've been drinking the good stuff. You can just taste the impurities, and it makes you vaguely ill. This is not to imply that I yell at cheap vodka. At least not until the bottle's halfway mark.

One of the problems with MacOS is that I can't work on the blog software while using it. I have a massive, massive overhaul planned; there will be a whole new look and feel to this website which is so revolutionary I dare say might change the internet forever, but you can't see it until I've spent another week fiddling with the new design. And this whole MacOS/no high-speed internet thing is seriously cutting into my fiddling time. But don't worry, this should all be cleared up soon enough.


Anything not encased in blockquotes is © 2025 D. J. Waletzky. This site runs Casual Insides 6, now based on Wordpress.