Some People Approve of Racial Profiling and I Hate People Like That!

I was watching Bill Maher's "Real Time" just now and they were talking about racial profiling with D. L. Hughley (who was awesome and very funny and right), Emmanuel Rahm, and evil conservative Michelle Malkin. She and Maher agreed on the necessity of racial profiling. They started talking about the CBS interview of Transportation Secretary Norman Y. Mineta, who was asked,

If you saw three young Arab men sitting, kneeling, praying before they boarded a flight, no reason to stop and ask them any question?
Mineta said no, and then Malkin and Maher excoriated him for it, along with some of the audience.

Right, because as an Al-Qaeda terrorist, the thing you want to do <b>just</b> before you get on the plane, is start kneeling and praying with two of your friends in the waiting area.

Update here.


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