One Last Point re: Profiling

OK, I just have to add about the last post:

There's another problem with interrogating three young Muslim men praying before they get on the flight. Assuming that an al-Qaeda operative wouldn't be stupid enough to do something like that after they'd already cleared 90% of airport security (read that one first), what happens to peaceful Muslims who get profiled?

Profiling makes every profiled person acutely aware that they don't fit in to American society, no matter where they go or what they say, and they don't even have the Constitutional rights everybody else's families moved here to enjoy.

Talk about breeding hatred of our freedoms.

Imagine you're some Muslim guy travelling to the U.S. for the first time, just to check out this whole America thing you keep hearing about. And then seeing that white people get to have freedom of religion, but the minute you start praying your flight doesn't get blown up before you see Vegas, they call airport security on your ass.


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