Addendum About White House Leaks

I've read somewhere that some liberal groups are pressuring the reporters in question to give up their sources. I think this is a bad idea. There's a reason this is against journalistic ethics–you need to know that you will be protected if you go to a journalist, any journalist. It would be very unprofessional of these people to do so.

Those who want the names to be disclosed argue that these leaks constituted major felonies and so should be revealed. This is true, but then again, the Bush administration just passed some vicious anti-whistleblower legislation (ironic, no?), so basically any kind of leak is a crime.

I'd rather see the source discovered after a long and invasive investigation. <b>Or,</b> the reporters in question could just leak it to <b>some other reporters</b>! It's a perfect solution. I'm going to have to write some letters.


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