New Look, If You Hadn't Noticed

So, I redesigned the blog. As much as I enjoyed the simplicity of the old design, I thought I would jazz the page up with more things which are large and colorful.

I know this sounds crazy, but I've been planning to implement this design for about six months. Not all the kinks have been worked out yet (I apologize to the regular readers who were looking for comments about carbophobia and didn't see them).

The comments are theoretically working, but I'll be overhauling that whole whatchamahoozit in order to allow people to post anonymously. I know some of you in the technical community read that last sentence and wondered what part of a blog comprises the "whatchamahoozit," and to those people I say, I built this thing from scratch, so I can name the parts whatever I want.

Dear readers, tell me what you think–if the comments don't work, just e-mail me: dj at waletzky dot com. Thanks!


Anything not encased in blockquotes is © 2025 D. J. Waletzky. This site runs Casual Insides 6, now based on Wordpress.