The Phlegmatic Pragmatic

Speaking of flu shots, I never get one, but then again, I seldom get the flu. I have it now, of course. Everybody seems to have it, lately. Some trends you just can't help but follow–flu fever is sweeping the city, and probably the nation! Let's hope it's not like the famous flu epidemics of yore, like the ones that kill millions of people around the world–1918, anyone?

But, like most New Yorkers, I only made things worse by walking around in the rain and going to work, etc. In my business, I learned you do not turn down work offers no matter what (I just paid my union dues, so I should be getting my health insurance soon, at least).

So what's the sickly but mobile New Yorker to do? I had a great idea for the next big cocktail–Vicks and vodka! I think I'll call it "Catch-44."


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