Anybody, Anybody But Bush

How fucked up does this country have to be when even neo-Nazis like the National Alliance are saying "anybody but Bush?" I've been doing some research about white supremacist groups (some prefer to be called "racialists" or "nationalists"), so I've been reading their analyses with keen interest. Don't you think it's funny (funny, tragic, whatever) that after all their years of railing against the imaginary ZOG that we now actually have a Zionist, occupying government?

In fact, right-wingers of all stripes have been faced with the unenviable task of having to abandon the GOP's disastrously failed presidency. Why, even the editor of the American Conservative magazine has endorsed Kerry. Edward Fields, editor of the fascist rag "The Truth At Last" has even gone so far as to endorse Nader in spite of his "Semitic background" (Nader is Lebanese). David-fucking-Duke has thrown his support behind 'anyone but Bush' as well. And Tucker Carlson is predicting a Kerry win.

We have stepped through the looking-glass, folks. Most disturbing of all, Bush is still looking good to win.


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