Mad King George the Second

While reading this article about Dame Stella Rimington, it occurs to me that the Republican platform isn't trying to take us back to the 1920s the way everyone seems to think it is. What they're actually trying to do is turn the clock back to the 1770s. Except this time, we're the colonial oppressors. It's only fair that we get our turn.

Nowhere was this point brought home better than when Rimington, director of MI5 (that's British intelligence servces, for those of you who aren't up on your spy novels) spoke about Guanatanamo (emphasis mine):
Four British citizens held for years at Guantanamo Bay were released soon after their return to the U.K. for lack of evidence. Rimington says she doesn't know the details of the case, but "<b>on my side of the Atlantic</b> you cannot be arrested and tried unless you can actually be shown to have done something or are planning to do something."
And they said irony died on 9/11.

You should read the article, because she knows thereof she speaks about counter-terrorism.


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