Salvage, With Productive Alternatives

I haven't been posting that often, but for some reason the amount of traffic to this page has tripled. Not that I am complaining, in fact, I had put "double daily visits to the blog" on my to-do list, and magically it got done.

Since I'm not providing daily web content right now (I've been crazy busy with work and art projects), some of you may be wondering what to do instead of re-reading my latest post (after you reread this one, of course). Today, we're surfing the web alternate universe-style:

What my blog would look like if I had gone to a small liberal arts college: Dadahead

What my blog would look like if I posted several times a day: Sadly, No!

At any rate, I noticed that some people click on my longer pieces and then immediately click on another article, presumably because there are too many little words to read, or something. So, in the hopes of making things easier, I'm going to be uplading mp3 versions of my articles next week so that you can listen to me read my ramblings as though it were NPR! Laziness is truly the father of invention, my friends.


Anything not encased in blockquotes is © 2025 D. J. Waletzky. This site runs Casual Insides 6, now based on Wordpress.