Franken-O’Reilly, tee hee!

I finally got around to listening to that Bill O’Reilly-Al Franken-Molly Ivins forum where O’Reilly got petulant, etc. It’s pretty funny. I especially like where Bill lies (apologists might merely say “exaggerates”) during the actual forum:

Al Franken: I’ll finish for now, I could go on all day…
Bill O’Reilly: I know you could.
AF: And I know you could, too.
BO: You just about have. You just about have.
AF: …Yeah, you tell ’em, Bill.
BO: We were supposed to be on for fifteen minutes, this idiot gets thirty-five, OK? All he’s got in six-and-half years is that I misspoke, that I labelled a Polk award a Peabody.

Franken nails O’Reilly making the claim that Inside Edition, the tabloid news show he previously worked on, won a Peabody on three separate occasions. Finally, it turns out, they had never gotten a Peabody, but had received a Polk award the year after O’Reilly left.
Here’s the funny part; the above exchange occurs during the 21st minute of the audio file (Franken had been speaking since the first minute). That would make his estimate inflated by 175%, no? It continues:

BO: He writes it in his book, he tries to make me out to be… [Franken cuts him off]
AF: No no no no no no no no…
BO: Hey shut up! You had your thirty-five minutes, shut up!

Franken’s book has a whole chapter on O’Reilly. I haven’t read it yet. Is O’Reilly a liar or just an idiot? I report, you decide.


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