Brief note about Abramoff

Posted this on the wikipedia site’s entry for the Abramoff scandal, figured you might like to hear it:

“To say that this scandal is being ‘painted as Republican’ is dishonest and ignores facts about Abramoff which are certainly undisputable. He was chairman of the College Republican National Committee and worked for Reagan’s 1980 campaign. The reason he got a job at Greenberg Traurig was because they needed someone in 2000 with Republican connections, the same reason Preston Ellis needed him in 1994: Abramoff’s personal relationships with DeLay and other Republicans he had met in his student activist days. To point out that the firms Abramoff was associated with gave to both parties is taken completely out of context. Abramoff and his wife donated exclusively to Republicans, becoming a Bush ‘Pioneer.’ [5] In fact, between Michael Scanlon and SunCruz Casinos, there was only one donation to a Democrat, one Peter Deutsch (D-Fla) in the amount of $3,500 from SunCruz. Now, some of the tribes who were defrauded by Jack Abramoff made contributions to Democrats. But those contributions seem to be legal, as they were made toward the legal goals of the groups—Abramoff is accused of lobbying against them and then getting these tribes to give him money to lobby for them.”

Don’t let them bullshit you on this one. I refer you to the excellent collection of quotes by Billmon (Whisky Bar) if you need some more concrete proof here.

Alternate reading while I slowly slowly post (a la the very complimentary Cerulean Blue):

Ren is on a roll lately.

The most useful map in America.

I picked up an Ubuntu CD, but haven’t tried it out yet. Fedora Core is misbehaving, what do you guys think? None of you have any idea what I’m talking about, do you.


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