I missed the anti-war rally last weekend. I’d call it a peace rally, but nobody’s really for ‘peace’ anymore; the majority of the country still thinks the war in Afghanistan was justified, and they’re even receptive to bombing Iran. Even the majority of the country who is now against the Iraq war isn’t really against […]
I know I’ve ragged on Pope Benedict before for being a Nazi, but I do feel compelled to quote his Easter speech yesterday morning: How many wounds, how much suffering there is in the world! Natural calamities and human tragedies that cause innumerable victims and enormous material destruction are not lacking. … I am thinking […]
I started this blog on May 6th, 2003. For the previous few months, basically since I left Montreal, I had been working on a book at a maddeningly slow pace. The title was to be, “The End of the American Century,” and the premise was that in a hundred years or so, history students would […]
Less than a week from the mid-term elections and I’m starting to get worried that either a) the Democrats will lose, and b) the Democrats will win. Don’t Count Your Chicken-hawks Before They Hatch Smart people have a problem. They’re outnumbered by idiots. This is not necessarily meant as a jibe against either party, you […]
Bush’s October 6th speech at the National Endowment for Democracy was so close to self-parody that for once, Bush’s smirks were actually humorous. It was like a Friar’s Club Speech, if the friars were experts on Middle East affairs. The theme of this speech is the comparison (more precisely, the equation) of Islamist terrorism to […]
Often, people think that when I argue with them about the war on terror, or the war in Iraq, or the war in Afghanistan, that I am somehow traitorous or ‘morally indistinguishable’ from a fifth-columnist or Al-Qaeda terrorists. Especially when I note that many of their political complaints are founded (though as I’m sure you […]
Make no mistake, everyone who is involved in (American) politics, whether professionally or intellectually, wants to be the President (of the United States); even if only for a day. My problem is that I am, and always have been, totally unelectable–never won an election, probably never will. For one thing, Americans will vote for blacks […]
While I was busying myself with other pursuits, Eric’s post about Iraq and Al-Qaeda seems to have prompted a really good discussion with Matt of Cerulean Blue and Mike of No Angst Zone (as always, I’ve arrived stylishly late to the party). In the thick of all this, Mike comes up with an essentially flawed […]
Last week, I pitched a TV show to a certain famous filmmaker and TV producer, and I have yet to hear a response. So, I figure I might as well share it with you, dear readers, because based on the horrified responses I get from other people I tell about it, it’ll never get made. […]
I was walking in and out of the vice presidential debates at work last night, and I heard Edwards say (and presumably Cheney agree) that “the best defense is a good offense” with regard to terrorism. Let’s block that sports metaphor, shall we? One of the problems the Bush administration (and, sounds like possibly the […]
I was talking with a friend about patriotism today. I maintained that there are different kinds of patriotism; there’s the jingoistic kind and the civic kind. The most succinct way I can state the difference is that civic patriots support their government by voting and paying (all) their taxes, while jingoistic patriots support the American […]
For the past few years, we’ve been hearing a lot about so-called “dirty bombs,’ that is, regular explosives combined with radioactive material. The idea of the dirty bomb is so appealing to guerrillas and terrorists because it maximizes destructive payoff with little added complexity–all you have to do is cover the bomb with anything radioactive […]
I’ve been thinking a lot about the Abu Ghraib torture scandal, and its implications for the U.S. and the rest of the world. Here’s my short list of implications: Irreparable damage to our “hearts and minds” campaign Proves that if you tell the army they can do anything they want, they won’t disappoint you This […]
Have I ever told you readers how great I think Google News is? I love the idea of an algorithmically edited news service. Anyway, this afternoon’s edition randomly places two stories on top of each other: Major Figures from Watergate Scandal Die, and Senior Pro-Taliban Cleric Killed in Pakistani Port City . The second story […]
There is an excellent article in the Washington Post today about retired General Anthony Zinni. Zinni is a centrist Republican, a Vietnam vet (Marines), and former head of CentCom. He is also very critical of the war on Iraq and for all the right reasons. Small excerpt: Zinni long has worried that there are worse […]
