What drives oil prices? Everyone has a theory that suits their ideological niche—Democrats blame lack of regulation, Republicans blame too much regulation, and the rest of us wonder why prices aren’t higher than they are already. Earlier this month, Congress got an earful from a variety of oil experts on both sides of the ideological […]
I missed the anti-war rally last weekend. I’d call it a peace rally, but nobody’s really for ‘peace’ anymore; the majority of the country still thinks the war in Afghanistan was justified, and they’re even receptive to bombing Iran. Even the majority of the country who is now against the Iraq war isn’t really against […]
Dear readers, you may be wondering what I’ve been up to, since lately dispatches are few and I never call anymore. Well, I’ve been working on a book. If you want a copy of the proposal, e-mail me and I’ll send it to you. For the purposes of this website, the proposal is to be […]
Welcome to another edition of actual casual asides, seasoned as usual with gotchas and I-told-you-sos. Ask Not For Whom The Bell Tolls… The United States and our allies have no rational interest in disclosing how many people we’ve killed in Iraq and Afghanistan if that number is inclusive of civilians. “We don’t do body counts,” […]
The foreign policy spat between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton couldn’t have been scripted better for the mainstream media. It’s also the reason why watching politics in America drives me crazy. The great triangulation has begun. Lyndon Johnson had the Texas two-step, and the Clintons have the Sister Souljah moment. It’s one of their ways […]
Sometimes I wonder how many times I can restate essentially the same points about Iraq. I’ve been doing it for over four years now. I suppose I should derive some satisfaction from the fact that the majority of Americans are now against the war. Unfortunately, that’s like the majority of Americans being against the Big […]
The thrashing of Iraq continues. Today is Memorial Day, when America traditionally celebrates the deaths of its military men and women by going to the beach and wearing funereal shades of white and so forth. Speaking of symbolic dates, I propose a new slogan for the anti-war marchers for the summer season: “Out By September […]
I can’t quite put my finger on why I’ve singled Republican Presidential candidate Duncan Hunter out as my bête noire, but I have, so deal with it. Hunter isn’t as dangerous to civil rights as, say, Sam Brownback, or as connivingly amoral as Rudy Giuliani, but there’s something about him that just rubs me the […]
As I mentioned earlier, the Democrats don’t have enough backbone to do.. well, nothing, and let the Iraq war end in 180 days. So, they’re going to continue to fund the war in some fashion, likely by insisting on “benchmarks,” which is now the catchphrase du jour . As with everything else about the American […]
Today is this blog’s fourth birthday, and as you can see, I’ve done a bit of a redesign. The old design was intentionally cluttered, because that’s how my desk looks. But I figured that, as I say at the bottom of all my e-mails, “non sunt multiplicanda entia praeter necessitam,” which means not to multiply […]
C-SPAN is getting better and better with the Democrats putting the investigations front and center. I have to say it’s thrilling to watch Republicans squirm after years of this bullshit going the other way. Kucinich, bless him, is even going after Dick Cheney with articles of impeachment. I am a big fan of this approach, […]
Four years into the occupation in Iraq and it's still going on, despite the mounting frustrations of all involved. My writing on the subject has begun to resemble a post-mortem on a still-living body. I felt like I was beating a dead horse in 2005
Being philosophically-self aware is a very special kind of hell. The simpler your thinking, the more complicated your life becomes. While other people have no problems with the inherently self-contradictory, people like me get stuck on little details like how the entire world has obviously gone totally batshit. I had this problem with the war […]
I know I’ve ragged on Pope Benedict before for being a Nazi, but I do feel compelled to quote his Easter speech yesterday morning: How many wounds, how much suffering there is in the world! Natural calamities and human tragedies that cause innumerable victims and enormous material destruction are not lacking. … I am thinking […]
Oh, Christopher Hitchens. I used to be your biggest fan. I hate Mother Theresa and Bill Clinton just like you. I even forgave your support of the war in the early days of the invasion, because I knew you sympathize with the plight of Kurdistan. But you don’t return my e-mails or call. And then […]
I'm in the middle of this really long, drawn out criticism of Christopher Hitchens' "I wasn't right, but I wasn't wrong" piece on Slate from last week, but it's taking way too long to pen and you, dear readers, are probably wondering what the hell is going on. So, I substitute a letter I wrote […]
I'm back from the valley of the shadow of blog death with an old favorite
Right off the bat, I'm going to make an embarrassing admission–several, actually. Earlier, I quoted Clausewitz as saying block|Clausewitz also said, the best way to attack a powerful enemy is to attack the weakness in their greatest strength.|block Clausewitz did not say this. Al Ries and Jack Trout said it. "Who?" I hear you cry. […]
So the President is planning a surge, is he? All the warning signs are there–Dad’s friends on the Iraq Study Group embarrassed him, and he knows he has to announce some kind of change, so why not go for broke and double down on America’s military future? So The SurgeTM gets floated in some neoconservative […]
I started this blog on May 6th, 2003. For the previous few months, basically since I left Montreal, I had been working on a book at a maddeningly slow pace. The title was to be, “The End of the American Century,” and the premise was that in a hundred years or so, history students would […]
So the Democrats have won back the Congress without a coherent plan to get us out of the war, and no wonder; Bush is still Commander-in-Chief and his lawyers have argued the President's position on Constitutional matters to the point that to call it a 'coup' would be stretching the truth only slightly. The Democrats, […]
Less than a week from the mid-term elections and I’m starting to get worried that either a) the Democrats will lose, and b) the Democrats will win. Don’t Count Your Chicken-hawks Before They Hatch Smart people have a problem. They’re outnumbered by idiots. This is not necessarily meant as a jibe against either party, you […]
Now that I'm working for the good folks at a{http://www.mediachannel.org”>MediaChannel}a, and trying to write a book about technology (ever so slowly), I find that I haven't been blogging very much. One of the reasons I started this blog in the first place was to help me keep writing every day. In fact, I started out […]
Since my last post, the Middle East broke out into yet another war between right-wing militarists and Islamist militias, and President Bush went on a rhetorical offensive to shore up support for the war in Iraq (he hardly seems to mention Afghanistan anymore). Even though I haven’t posted on my blog for a while, I […]
Recently, David Asman of Fox News’ program “Forbes on Fox” asked the following question: “Bashing our military: seems like it’s a new sport for our media! But could all the negative headlines and lack of reporting about anything positive our brave men and women are doing there hurt America and our markets?” Naturally, Asman turns […]
<b>Abuse of Civil rights and Procedures</b> The lovely and always well-researched Ren has a really remarkable piece on the Nation website about the recent South Dakota Abortion Task Force, which was basically a front for a single State Rep's plan to challenge Roe v. Wade ASAP. The extended version of the piece is here, there's […]
With the third anniversary of the War in Iraq, our attentions have turned, naturally, to Iran. A while ago (before Iran’s nuclear program was making front-page news), I was talking to a friend about liberal interventionism, and of course, Iran came up. What did I ultimately propose to do, she asked, about the human rights […]
It’s a busy week; there hasn’t been much time for blogging lately. I was considering posting something about it that read, “light posting ahead, sorry folks.” Then I remembered I don’t post that often in the first place, so I won’t be making any apologies. Ha! There’s a quality/quantity tradeoff, especially when it comes to […]
Just wanted to thank everyone who’s been coming to this humble little blog lately. My traffic has doubled, due in no small part to my fellow Koufax nominees linking to my recent post about the whole British-to-Emirate ports deal. Then there are all the people looking up either David Sanborn or Muhammad Sharaf, sometimes in […]
This weekend news came that the Bush Administration had approved the sale of Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation (a.k.a. "P & O"), the fourth-largest port operations firm in the world, to DP World, the seventh-largest. P & O is a British company, and DP World is owned by the United Arab Emirates. P & O […]
Dear Dr. Krauthammer, I came across your article in the Weekly Standard which argued for two hypothetical exceptions from a blanket ban on torturing prisoners by the U.S. government. I must tell you how strongly I disagree with your conclusions merely on practical grounds (to say nothing of the morality of torturing detainees, a complicated […]
I've been working on proposals for the Democratic platform. House Democrats beat me to part of it a few days ago, so I figured I might as well share part of it with you today: environmental policy. Even if you don't have cancer or asthma or water damage or mercury poisoning, you probably know someone […]
Bush’s October 6th speech at the National Endowment for Democracy was so close to self-parody that for once, Bush’s smirks were actually humorous. It was like a Friar’s Club Speech, if the friars were experts on Middle East affairs. The theme of this speech is the comparison (more precisely, the equation) of Islamist terrorism to […]
As the pro-war contingent of American politics becomes increasingly desperate–oh, who am I kidding, it’s actually just standard operating procedure on both sides of the aisle–we have progressed to ad hominem attacks on prominent anti-war media figures. As with the Dixie Chicks, Michael Moore, Tim Robbins, and so forth, we now have hawks trying to […]
My friend Elephant sometimes says that he’s a pro-market liberal. But he often makes the excellent point that markets are always created by the state. It’s not just regulation which shapes and produces markets; there are the limits of enforcement as well as the means for chartering corporations. Now, I had been harboring some vestigial […]
Often, people think that when I argue with them about the war on terror, or the war in Iraq, or the war in Afghanistan, that I am somehow traitorous or ‘morally indistinguishable’ from a fifth-columnist or Al-Qaeda terrorists. Especially when I note that many of their political complaints are founded (though as I’m sure you […]
Make no mistake, everyone who is involved in (American) politics, whether professionally or intellectually, wants to be the President (of the United States); even if only for a day. My problem is that I am, and always have been, totally unelectable–never won an election, probably never will. For one thing, Americans will vote for blacks […]
Sometimes, when I talk about the foibles of our policies, people ask me, "well, what do you propose?" which is a good question. I prefer strategies which really look to the future, so here are some fun ways for us lefties to think two steps ahead: 1) Regardless of what Karl "The King of Plausible […]
With the third anniversary of the War in Iraq, our attentions have turned, naturally, to Iran. A while ago (before Iran’s nuclear program was making front-page news), I was talking to a friend about liberal interventionism, and of course, Iran came up. What did I ultimately propose to do, she asked, about the human rights […]
While I was busying myself with other pursuits, Eric’s post about Iraq and Al-Qaeda seems to have prompted a really good discussion with Matt of Cerulean Blue and Mike of No Angst Zone (as always, I’ve arrived stylishly late to the party). In the thick of all this, Mike comes up with an essentially flawed […]
Two recent posts on blogs I read regularly have been bothering me: most disturbing is Time for the West to Close its Borders to Muslim Immigrants over at The Kvetcher, and the other one is DadaHead's post linking to Prof. Brian Leiter's "This is how we shall preach to the converted" manifesto. I'll take on […]
Last week, I pitched a TV show to a certain famous filmmaker and TV producer, and I have yet to hear a response. So, I figure I might as well share it with you, dear readers, because based on the horrified responses I get from other people I tell about it, it’ll never get made. […]
More back-and-forth about torture and whether or not the Geneva Convention ought to apply to people suspected of terrorism (who do they think they are, Nazis?) prompted a little more research on my part, which is how I found the following excerpt from an AP report from June 17th 2005 entitled "Top U.S. attorney defends […]
It's official, Eric Grumbles Before the Grave is my new favorite site to troll for argument-picking. Yesterday Eric took a fine sentiment likeblock|Dean [Esmay] gives some good advice on how to make comparisons of things you find abhorrent, including this pearl: Here's a suggestion for serious-minded critics: why not stop with the invidious comparisons entirely, […]
With the leaks of two classified documents from the British government showing, shall we say, "concern" within the British government for Bush's ersatz <i>causus belli</i> and the lack of post-war planning, even former war supporters like Rep. Walter "Freedom Fries" Jones are losing their faith. Although Congress voted down a measure demanding a withdrawal timetable […]
The Baffler, which I will go on record as saying is the best magazine in America (even though it is even more irregularly published than the magazine I work for), had a very interesting piece about the National Rifle Association several issues ago. It talked about a single NRA convention in the sixties when the […]
When I was in Washington a few weeks ago, I had what amounted to a six-hour layover in downtown DC, which is a fancy way of saying I missed the morning bus and was stuck with nothing to do and lots to carry. So I walked over to the White House, where a group of […]
As I mentioned earlier, many people are now considering the latest positive evelopments in the Middle East as proof that our heavy-handed approach to foreign policy might not be pretty, but that it "gets results." (Didn't I hear Jon Stewart with a variation of this meme on the Daily Show a while ago?) Wars, when […]
Given recent events in the Middle East, many people are wondering if perhaps Bush and the neoconservatives aren’t right about our military ventures and the Bush foreign policy. Specifically, people are looking at: The successful elections in Iraq, the developments in Lebanon, municipal elections in Saudi Arabia, and the Mubarak’s promise of reform in Egypt. […]
Devotees of the President's foray into neoconservative flavored <i>realpolitik</i> must be scratching their heads at North Korea's recent pronouncements that a) they have nuclear weapons, and b) screw you, America. The United States, simultaneously the owner of the world's largest nuclear arsenal and leading proponent of nuclear disarmament, has demanded an end to nuclear programs […]
One of the reasons I don’t like watching the President on television (other than the inevitable shards on the ground and stains on the wall behind the TV set) is that I despise the theatrical aspect of politics. Emotional appeals of the type we saw last night are great at obscuring the issues at hand. […]
A little over a year ago, I wrote about the failure of the flypaper theory, put forth by Andrew Sullivan and parroted by the administration. What we are doing in Iraq, dear readers, is running the world's foremost terrorist training camp. Lo and behold, a National Intelligence Committee report was just released saying the <b>exact […]
Have you been hearing about Bush's inaugural festivities? Why, it seems that 200 of the President's closest pals have thrown together a party replete with nine… well, balls, including:<ul><li>CONSTITUTION BALL (Washington Hilton), <li>FREEDOM BALL (Union Station), <li>INDEPENDENCE BALL,<li>TEXAS WYOMING BALL,<li>LIBERTY BALL,<li>DEMOCRACY BALL, <li>PATRIOT BALL,<li>STARS AND STRIPES BALL, all at the Convention Center, and of course, […]
You know, it occurs to me that all of those who supported the war at first but are now against it (I'm looking at you, Mr. Kerry) have this credibility problem when it comes to honestly assessing our rush to war. At this point, Bush's only defense, the only rational defense, is to say that […]
I was walking in and out of the vice presidential debates at work last night, and I heard Edwards say (and presumably Cheney agree) that “the best defense is a good offense” with regard to terrorism. Let’s block that sports metaphor, shall we? One of the problems the Bush administration (and, sounds like possibly the […]
Permit me to further explore the point about how we ought not draw an artificial distinction between the U. S. invasion pre- and post-Saddam. This is the kind of thing that really gets me steamed–when people say that the point of the war was to make America safer by removing Saddam from power. I know […]
I know you're all waiting for me to say something about the debates last night, but I'm not ready to give a full analysis yet. I mean, I can just come out and say Kerry won, but what I find interesting about US politics is how the propaganda machine will spin it. So I caught […]
Ever since the whole "preventing the use of WMD" rationale for the war in Iraq fell apart, hawks have been pretending we did it because the Bush Administration is so concerned with human rights, particularly for those poor Iraqis who we "liberated" but whose land we do not "occupy." You, dear readers, cannot let people […]
I was talking with a friend about patriotism today. I maintained that there are different kinds of patriotism; there’s the jingoistic kind and the civic kind. The most succinct way I can state the difference is that civic patriots support their government by voting and paying (all) their taxes, while jingoistic patriots support the American […]
When I hear a meme twice in one day, I feel compelled to address it. Today, that meme is the "you break it, you bought it" with regard to Iraq. The idea is that because we are to blame for creating the mess in Iraq, we bear the responsibility for fixing it, which means we […]
For the past few years, we’ve been hearing a lot about so-called “dirty bombs,’ that is, regular explosives combined with radioactive material. The idea of the dirty bomb is so appealing to guerrillas and terrorists because it maximizes destructive payoff with little added complexity–all you have to do is cover the bomb with anything radioactive […]
I turned on CNN today and was greeted by footage of U.S. Marines raiding the home of Iraqi Shi'ite cleric and warlord Moqtada al-Sadr (either he wasn't home or he thought they were selling magazine subscriptions). Also, it seems that some of al-Sadr's men holed up in Shia's most holy mosque in Najaf, which has […]
I've been wanting to post a really long essay about Iraq, but I'm just going to give you a little morsel of it for the sake of expediency and to keep this page fresh. Today's topic: the June 30th handover of Iraq. In assessing our war plans from the beginning, the White House often fails […]
I’ve been thinking a lot about the Abu Ghraib torture scandal, and its implications for the U.S. and the rest of the world. Here’s my short list of implications: Irreparable damage to our “hearts and minds” campaign Proves that if you tell the army they can do anything they want, they won’t disappoint you This […]
Last week's edition of the Weekly World News (you know, the one with "TWELVE MEMBERS OF CONGRESS ARE SPACE ALIENS! on the cover) contains a very interesting article entitled, "SADDAM WON IRAQ WAR … then CIA time travelers reversed his victory!" Yes, according to America's most widely read newspaper, <blockquote>Madman Saddam Hussein really did have […]
There is an excellent article in the Washington Post today about retired General Anthony Zinni. Zinni is a centrist Republican, a Vietnam vet (Marines), and former head of CentCom. He is also very critical of the war on Iraq and for all the right reasons. Small excerpt: Zinni long has worried that there are worse […]
So, I was awakened to the news that the U. S. Army has captured Saddam Hussein alive. First thing I thought was, that’s great for Iraq. The second thing I thought was, big problem for the Americans. Two main points here: Now Hussein can no longer be blamed for the Iraqi resistance, which will doubtless […]
Congressional negotiators have shot down (additional link) the Senate proposal to turn aid into loans attached to Iraq’s oil profits! The Democrats should be using this vote as leverage to demand a rollback of the tax cut package gift-wrapped for the upper income levels, but I have a feeling they’re too spineless to do it. […]
Update to the previous post: Whisky Bar has a great post with all the numbers involved in the “loans for reconstruction” action–everybody wants a piece of the new colony of Iraq. More countries are heeding Bush’s call to attach Iraq’s oil revenues, turning it into the newest member of the club of “developing nations” who […]
I am completely in agreement with the Senate majority’s point that we cannot afford the latest bill from the occupation of Iraq. But talk about the worst possible way to make that point–the Senate is going to try to turn $20 billion of the reconstruction/occupation funds into loans. We are going to attach their oil […]
I was reading this Salon article about the chaos in Iraq and how the terrible planning of the neocons in the White House made this quagmire possible. Then my mind wandered back to that O’Reilly-Franken-Ivins forum (which you can download here in mp3 format). What, I hear you cry, could the connection possibly be? Here, […]
Much is being made of the claims based on forged evidence cited in George Bush’s State of the Union speech. Although the documents supporting the story that Iraq tried to procure yellowcake uranium from Niger were known to be false before the invasion, the story is only now becoming a scandal. At issue are the […]
Know the following: I am a political junkie, and I am also prone to reading jags. Sometimes, I fixate on a subject and exhaust many hours reading as much as I possibly can about it. When I was a kid, for example, I took out every book I could find about astronomy in the space […]
