Christine O’Donnell went on TV with her usual claptrap about how Obama is a Marxist and Soledad O’Brien (who is on a huge streak of calling Republicans out in exasperation lately) rolled her eyes. In the clip, we don’t see the subject get pressed too much further, but this has been annoying me for a […]
The Wall Street Journal’s most popular article today was an editorial by one Professor Michael J. Boskin entitled, “Get Ready for a 70% Marginal Tax Rate,” and it was a doozy. It hearkened back to bygone days at university, when we carelessly tossed haphazardly written bullshit under the professor’s door a minute after the deadline, […]
Note: I’ve been busy and uninspired lately. Actually, I’ve been trying to pitch articles to magazines instead of working like a dog to fact-check stuff for a blog that relatively few people read. The market has wreaked its horrible toll on this blog, I’m afraid. But don’t despair, I found this draft from a while […]
Last week, I pitched a TV show to a certain famous filmmaker and TV producer, and I have yet to hear a response. So, I figure I might as well share it with you, dear readers, because based on the horrified responses I get from other people I tell about it, it’ll never get made. […]
Some of you, and here I’m referring to those who read lefty-type blogs regularly, may have heard the “peak oil” meme, which is rapidly gaining currency. Bascially, a man named Hubbard predicted in 1955 that the US oil production would peak in the 1970s (which it did) and that the rest of the world would […]
My new friend Dadahead seems to be under attack from right wing morons hyperventilating over his defense of pie-throwing (in this case, at ultra-conservative David Horowitz). Why, if you took your news through Right-wing News‘ filter, you’d be liable to believe that Yes, in the world according to Dadahead, people who disagree with him don’t […]
Yesterday, the New York Times Op-Ed page published an unusually long (and very good) retrospective of Einstein's work. It commemmorated the hundredth anniversary of his banner year in physics publishing; not only was this the year of "E=mc2", but of the declaration that though light appears to be a wave, it is actually composed of […]
Given recent events in the Middle East, many people are wondering if perhaps Bush and the neoconservatives aren’t right about our military ventures and the Bush foreign policy. Specifically, people are looking at: The successful elections in Iraq, the developments in Lebanon, municipal elections in Saudi Arabia, and the Mubarak’s promise of reform in Egypt. […]
Speaking of religion and debunking mythology, I came across this article on “the Global Consciousness Project”, who claim the following: To have a “black box” which generates a random string of ones and zeroes; That “[a]gain and again, entirely ordinary people proved that their minds could influence the machine and produce significant fluctuations on the […]
One of the reasons I don’t like watching the President on television (other than the inevitable shards on the ground and stains on the wall behind the TV set) is that I despise the theatrical aspect of politics. Emotional appeals of the type we saw last night are great at obscuring the issues at hand. […]
In previous posts, I talked about some of the reasons I fear the second-term Bush presidency. But prognostication is a tricky business. When I first left the States in '98, I had definitely not forseen that we would have had a major (and preventable) terrorist strike on my hometown, much less three ensuing, simultaneous wars. […]
I was talking with a friend about patriotism today. I maintained that there are different kinds of patriotism; there’s the jingoistic kind and the civic kind. The most succinct way I can state the difference is that civic patriots support their government by voting and paying (all) their taxes, while jingoistic patriots support the American […]
When I hear a meme twice in one day, I feel compelled to address it. Today, that meme is the "you break it, you bought it" with regard to Iraq. The idea is that because we are to blame for creating the mess in Iraq, we bear the responsibility for fixing it, which means we […]
For the past few years, we’ve been hearing a lot about so-called “dirty bombs,’ that is, regular explosives combined with radioactive material. The idea of the dirty bomb is so appealing to guerrillas and terrorists because it maximizes destructive payoff with little added complexity–all you have to do is cover the bomb with anything radioactive […]
I was watching Bill Maher's "Real Time" just now and they were talking about racial profiling with D. L. Hughley (who was awesome and very funny and right), Emmanuel Rahm, and evil conservative Michelle Malkin. She and Maher agreed on the necessity of racial profiling. They started talking about the CBS interview of Transportation Secretary […]
Dear readers, I implore you to purchase the latest issue of Heeb Magazine (Issue #7), which is on the newsstands now. Below is the original draft of the piece I did about esteemed (I think perhaps a bit too esteemed) actor Norman Fell. It's not exactly the version which ended up in the magazine, but […]
A few days ago, I was engaged in a conversation about the use of torture with a colleague. It started when he asked me my opinion about Israel–I said that I don't like it when countries violate human rights, and I don't play favorites. Besides, torture is ineffective in gathering information. "That might be a […]
This evening, I got a phone call from my cousin, who used to work at the Heritage Foundation. Needless to say, we often disagree about politics, and we all know how much I enjoy a good debate. The following is a condensed account of our conversation. “The first amendment says that Congress shall make no […]
I’ve been thinking a lot about the Abu Ghraib torture scandal, and its implications for the U.S. and the rest of the world. Here’s my short list of implications: Irreparable damage to our “hearts and minds” campaign Proves that if you tell the army they can do anything they want, they won’t disappoint you This […]
Last week's edition of the Weekly World News (you know, the one with "TWELVE MEMBERS OF CONGRESS ARE SPACE ALIENS! on the cover) contains a very interesting article entitled, "SADDAM WON IRAQ WAR … then CIA time travelers reversed his victory!" Yes, according to America's most widely read newspaper, <blockquote>Madman Saddam Hussein really did have […]
As some of you may be aware, Bruce Ratner (who is probably the most well-connected realestate developer in New York State) just bought the New Jersey Nets basketball team with the intention of moving them to Brooklyn. This will require the second new stadium to be built in Kings county since 2000. Ratner has decided […]
There is an excellent article in the Washington Post today about retired General Anthony Zinni. Zinni is a centrist Republican, a Vietnam vet (Marines), and former head of CentCom. He is also very critical of the war on Iraq and for all the right reasons. Small excerpt: Zinni long has worried that there are worse […]
Ever since I heard about The Brown Bunny, the Vincent Gallo tour-de-force which premiered at Cannes (garnering the distinguished “Worst Film at Cannes Ever” award from the critics), I have been obsessed with a single idea. That idea is to remake The Brown Bunny shot-for-shot, but with an all rabbit cast (a la Night of […]
A while ago, I noticed a very interesting story on the AP’s “Strange News” page, entitled, “Alabama Votes Against Legalizing Sex Toys.” From the headline, one would assume that the Alabama state legislature was a bunch of tight-assed, Bible-thumping reactionaries. After all, this whole sex-toys flap started in 1998, when the Alabama legislature passed a […]
I finally got around to listening to that Bill O’Reilly-Al Franken-Molly Ivins forum where O’Reilly got petulant, etc. It’s pretty funny. I especially like where Bill lies (apologists might merely say “exaggerates”) during the actual forum: Al Franken: I’ll finish for now, I could go on all day… Bill O’Reilly: I know you could. AF: […]
As soon as I heard they were embedding Windows into heavy machinery, I knew something bad was going to happen. And now, a Thai government official had to be rescued from suffocating inside his BMW (running Windows CE, of course.) BMW says Windows wasn’t to blame, but I don’t believe them, particularly when the article […]
