In the summer of 2008, I wrote a short story that was intended to be a comment on what I thought was a coming depression, where overvalued assets would ruin the wealthy and force all those paper millionaires into destitution. I got some positive feedback from a literary agent, who thought I could turn it […]
I’ve decided to resurrect my dear old blog, now a rambunctious and neglected eight-year old–today! On May 6th in 2003, I decided to start a blog instead of sending my friends links to stuff via Instant Messenger. Back, then, I had to carry these posts uphill both ways; I built my own blog software and […]
It’s Casual Asides’ 5th anniversary. Consider (with the new word count feature at the bottom of each post) that at this point, I’ve written about 260-odd posts and hundreds of thousands of words, enough to fill a decent sized book. That’s gotta be worth something, right? I pause here to consider that although I like […]
Dear readers, exciting things are happening. Here’s a quick review of the past few months. That Book I’m Always Talking About For the last two years, I’ve been writing a non-fiction bookâit’s what I’m doing when I’m not posting here. When people ask me what the book is about, I usualy say something like, “it’s […]
I missed the anti-war rally last weekend. I’d call it a peace rally, but nobody’s really for ‘peace’ anymore; the majority of the country still thinks the war in Afghanistan was justified, and they’re even receptive to bombing Iran. Even the majority of the country who is now against the Iraq war isn’t really against […]
Dear readers, you may be wondering what I’ve been up to, since lately dispatches are few and I never call anymore. Well, I’ve been working on a book. If you want a copy of the proposal, e-mail me and I’ll send it to you. For the purposes of this website, the proposal is to be […]
Today is this blog’s fourth birthday, and as you can see, I’ve done a bit of a redesign. The old design was intentionally cluttered, because that’s how my desk looks. But I figured that, as I say at the bottom of all my e-mails, “non sunt multiplicanda entia praeter necessitam,” which means not to multiply […]
Yesterday as I was watching Fox News, I heard a small but sharp explosion and the clatter of plastic shrapnel. The batteries in my VCR remote, which I last remember replacing sometime in college, decided that they’d had enough. A cursory examination of the debris showed the batteries were supposed to expire in 2012, with […]
There are a few topics I try to avoid on this blog; Israel, monetary policy, cats. But I suppose the most glaring omissions are feminist concerns (closely followed by Darfur, a topic about which I have long struggled to write without much success). I’m not going to offer some lame excuse like “I just don’t […]
Let me state at the outset that I am a huge, huge fan of both Tim O’Reilly and Jimmy Wales. I own several O’Reilly books, and obviously I use wikipedia all the time. I respect them immensely, and we should all bow before their superior technological wisdom. Except in this case: A widely forwarded New […]
I know I’ve ragged on Pope Benedict before for being a Nazi, but I do feel compelled to quote his Easter speech yesterday morning: How many wounds, how much suffering there is in the world! Natural calamities and human tragedies that cause innumerable victims and enormous material destruction are not lacking. … I am thinking […]
Oh, Christopher Hitchens. I used to be your biggest fan. I hate Mother Theresa and Bill Clinton just like you. I even forgave your support of the war in the early days of the invasion, because I knew you sympathize with the plight of Kurdistan. But you don’t return my e-mails or call. And then […]
I'm in the middle of this really long, drawn out criticism of Christopher Hitchens' "I wasn't right, but I wasn't wrong" piece on Slate from last week, but it's taking way too long to pen and you, dear readers, are probably wondering what the hell is going on. So, I substitute a letter I wrote […]
So, Saturday (May 6th) marked the third anniversary of Casual Asides. Faithful readers, I know you've been waiting breathlessly for the past month for me to update, and all I can tell you is that I've been working on a non-fiction book proposal instead of blogging. And don't worry, this week I'll break out that […]
I exhort you, faithful readers, to vote for my blog in the Best Writing category of the Koufax Awards. I have this fantasy of winning out over 126 contenders. As the Mets say, You Gotta Believe. Please, vote here (it says the voting hasn’t opened yet, but it has): Wampum’s Koufax Award for Best Writing […]
It’s a busy week; there hasn’t been much time for blogging lately. I was considering posting something about it that read, “light posting ahead, sorry folks.” Then I remembered I don’t post that often in the first place, so I won’t be making any apologies. Ha! There’s a quality/quantity tradeoff, especially when it comes to […]
Just wanted to thank everyone who’s been coming to this humble little blog lately. My traffic has doubled, due in no small part to my fellow Koufax nominees linking to my recent post about the whole British-to-Emirate ports deal. Then there are all the people looking up either David Sanborn or Muhammad Sharaf, sometimes in […]
Since my internet connection went down earlier this week, I’ve been sitting and stewing about various things: No Blogging on Yom Kippur A few days ago, I was lamenting the fact that my traffic had been flagging lately. It’s not like I don’t know why; I don’t post every day, like most blogs do. These […]
I have a whiteboard, generously given as a birthday present by Elephant. For the last six-odd months, there has been a diagram on it which I had been working on for some time. As time passed and other stories became more pressing, I just left it up and began to cover it with other notes. […]
Posted this on the wikipedia site’s entry for the Abramoff scandal, figured you might like to hear it: “To say that this scandal is being ‘painted as Republican’ is dishonest and ignores facts about Abramoff which are certainly undisputable. He was chairman of the College Republican National Committee and worked for Reagan’s 1980 campaign. The […]
From: D. J. Waletzky To: Martin Nutt Subject: Re: Disappearing accents On Fri, 2005-12-23 at 18:31 -0500, M_a_r_t_i_n_n_u_t_t___X_@_X__a_o_l_._c_o_m wrote: In your page (Sunday, 12 Sep 2004 ) you state The only country (to my knowledge, please correct me) that didn’t build its TV networks this way is the United States, where television was invented. […]
I was working on a major piece about Katrina but have decided to pitch it to a magazine instead of publishing it here. Does this attempt at commodification make for a worse blog? Yes. So, this means there will be no sweeping socialist, environmentalist, civil libertarian broadsides this week; instead we have some odds and […]
As the pro-war contingent of American politics becomes increasingly desperate–oh, who am I kidding, it’s actually just standard operating procedure on both sides of the aisle–we have progressed to ad hominem attacks on prominent anti-war media figures. As with the Dixie Chicks, Michael Moore, Tim Robbins, and so forth, we now have hawks trying to […]
So, I'm turning 25 as we speak, and I've decided to celebrate by being responsible and catching up on all this work I need to have done today. That is why this post is so short. I have been working on a post wherein I advocate withdrawing from NAFTA, the War on Drugs and Iraq […]
Question 1. Would people rather read policy and political critiques supported by careful research, <i>or</i> policy recommendations based on hypotheticals and moral philosophy? Question 2. Can you spot the bunny rabbit?<pre> /| __ / | ,-~ / Y đ // / | jj /( .^ >-"~"-v" / Y jo o | ( ~T~ j >._-' […]
Make no mistake, everyone who is involved in (American) politics, whether professionally or intellectually, wants to be the President (of the United States); even if only for a day. My problem is that I am, and always have been, totally unelectable–never won an election, probably never will. For one thing, Americans will vote for blacks […]
Two recent posts on blogs I read regularly have been bothering me: most disturbing is Time for the West to Close its Borders to Muslim Immigrants over at The Kvetcher, and the other one is DadaHead's post linking to Prof. Brian Leiter's "This is how we shall preach to the converted" manifesto. I'll take on […]
I’m in the middle of writing a very, very long post about Iraq, but in the meantime, I have discovered that my favorite book of all time, Penguin Island by Anatole France, is available entirely free as a plaintext file! Three cheers for the public domain! And although it was written in 1908, it’s an […]
This post officially marks Casual Asides' second year in existence. This anniversary kind of snuck up on me (I realized this yesterday), so I don't have any really insightful comments about it. It is heartening, I suppose, to note the incredible acceleration of my posting schedule since May 6th, 2003. Why in that first year, […]
I just returned from a family holiday, which isn't really the reason I'vebeen lax about posting here, but it makes a good excuse. Dispatches from suburban DC will be forthcoming (including a very important book review), but I've decided to break my silence to ask a question that's been plaguing me ever since I promised […]
My new friend Dadahead seems to be under attack from right wing morons hyperventilating over his defense of pie-throwing (in this case, at ultra-conservative David Horowitz). Why, if you took your news through Right-wing News‘ filter, you’d be liable to believe that Yes, in the world according to Dadahead, people who disagree with him don’t […]
I haven't been posting that often, but for some reason the amount of traffic to this page has tripled. Not that I am complaining, in fact, I had put "double daily visits to the blog" on my to-do list, and magically it got done. Since I'm not providing daily web content right now (I've been […]
Some of you (and I'm looking at the people who come to this page by Googling me) may be wondering what exactly I've been up to. I just finished my new reel today, so I thought I would give you all a little report–this is, after all, a blog, and people seem to like when […]
Doubtless you've already heard about Hunter S. Thompson's suicide Sunday night. I'm sure it comes as no surprise to readers and fellow Hunter fans that he had a great influence on me. I remember very distinctly the day I walked into the Astor Place Barnes & Noble after school, found a copy of "Fear and […]
Devotees of the President's foray into neoconservative flavored <i>realpolitik</i> must be scratching their heads at North Korea's recent pronouncements that a) they have nuclear weapons, and b) screw you, America. The United States, simultaneously the owner of the world's largest nuclear arsenal and leading proponent of nuclear disarmament, has demanded an end to nuclear programs […]
Leave it to the Bush administration to help move America seamlessly from crisis to crisis. Remember when we had to <b>invade Iraq right now or "the smoking gun will be a mushroom cloud</b>?" Well, until we invade Iran, there's still the looming insolvency of the Social Security system. Oh, didn't you hear? According to our […]
<img src=imgs/vevi1.jpg align=left>My family's pet bunny rabbit died in my arms yesterday. His illness was sudden–I had just come back from the veterinarian after he had suddenly become listless that morning. January 20th would have been the ten year anniversary of his arrival in my childhood home. Considering that rabbits in the wild usually live […]
I was trying to explain to someone today about why my internet service hasn't been hooked up in my new apartment. I likened the situation to Zeno's arrow, and I was going to do the same here. Just to be sure I looked up Zeno on, and discovered that what I had thought all […]
Dear readers– Things are finally settling down a bit. With 95% of my belongings safely transported to my new apartment (less than a third of which are unpacked), and my latest film project completed, I can now focus my attention on… shit, I have to find some work for this month. If anyone needs an […]
So, I got a new apartment and it looks like I'm going to stay in the country for at least another year. My principles are one thing, but we all know what's really involved; practicality. I'm getting a lot more work in my chosen profession–leaving the country would almost definitely derail me at a potentially […]
In previous posts, I talked about some of the reasons I fear the second-term Bush presidency. But prognostication is a tricky business. When I first left the States in '98, I had definitely not forseen that we would have had a major (and preventable) terrorist strike on my hometown, much less three ensuing, simultaneous wars. […]
In my haste to describe my dilemma, I neglected to explain why I want to leave the country in the first place (although it is a sobering revelation to realize that I haven't lived in this country for an entire year at a stretch since my junior year of high school). Bush is only going […]
You know how sometimes you get that feeling like something bad is going to happen? I'd been having that feeling for a while before the election, I think my regular readers know that. So while I wasn't exactly surprised about the outcome of the recent election, I was, obviously, disappointed. And not just because Bush […]
I didn't know for whom I would vote for president until I got in the election booth. I did not vote for John Kerry. Calm down, I live in New York State. I am very excited about the write-in candidacy of Susan Metz, who is running against State Assemblyman Roger Green. Green had recently resigned […]
I'm a night person. I could be a night person anywhere, but New York City is definitely the best place to be nocturnal. I've been watching the moonrise in my window for the past few nights. It's as full and as bright as I've ever seen it, brighter than the streetlamps across the street or […]
Speaking of flu shots, I never get one, but then again, I seldom get the flu. I have it now, of course. Everybody seems to have it, lately. Some trends you just can't help but follow–flu fever is sweeping the city, and probably the nation! Let's hope it's not like the famous flu epidemics of […]
I have a confession to make: I still haven't decided for whom to cast my vote. Not that it matters, because New York State voters are effectively disenfranchised; I'd have to live in Ohio or Missouri for my (presidential) vote to really have any meaning. I'm glad that people are more aware of the phenomenon […]
I know I'm going to get in trouble with the English majors who read me, but I have to air a gripe about political fiction. This particular rant was prompted by seeing the new WB drama "Jack and Bobby" the other night. First of all, who the hell approved this show? Jack and Bobby "McCloskey" […]
After my friend Liliana linked to me earlier this week, I thought I would a) reciprocate and b) take the opportunity to do some web shouting out of my own. My old school friend Michelle Chen just returned from China ; she wrote a travel diary with photos. She also writes excellent political commentary. Another […]
I have a friend with whom I share a disagreement about writing. He says it's the process that matters, while I maintain it's the product. This argument manifests itself in several ways, but consider the following example: say you're the editor of a magazine, and you're having creative (but not personal) problems with your colleagues. […]
The problem with metaphors is that they substitute beauty for truth.
When I got out of school, I spent about eight months working as a computer programmer. By this time, the Internet bubble had long since burst and working with computers wasn't even remotely cool anymore. I did my share of riding the Internet wave. I did very well working in Silicon Alley in the summers […]
It seems like this has been an exceptionally nostalgic summer, lots of seeing old friends and revisiting old places. I'm not sure how this happened, but I'm not complaining. One of the things about seeing old friends is that some of them call me D. J. and some of them call me David. David is […]
Dear readers, I implore you to purchase the latest issue of Heeb Magazine (Issue #7), which is on the newsstands now. Below is the original draft of the piece I did about esteemed (I think perhaps a bit too esteemed) actor Norman Fell. It's not exactly the version which ended up in the magazine, but […]
I was going through my logs today, fiddling around because I was at a loss for a quick topic to post about. Then I noticed that someone from the Jehovah's Witnesses stopped by just now, looking for "Jehovah's Witnesses" on some blog search engine. I wonder if this is part of a concerted effort to […]
I don't really aspire to be wealthy, but I was thinking that what I would really like to do is to be able to throw things away over my shoulder when I'm done with them–you know, books, magazines, shotglasses, breakfast, laptops, tax returns, that kind of thing. That'd be sweet. And I suppose it would […]
Lately I've been thinking a lot about the subways. I've been working on two separate projects (a film and a comic) about the subway at the same time, randomly. So I thought I'd share the events of last Friday night. I went to this beer garden in Astoria. Like an idiot, I forgot to bring […]
My internet access from home has been out for two weeks now. Often, I go over to a friend's house with my laptop to use his connection. I get there in the afternoons, and one of the first things I do is go to Google News and parse the day's computer-generated headlines. Invariably, I'll be […]
So it turns out that the Jehovah's Witnesses were the last people to use my phone. It seems my roommate hadn't paid the bill since March, and consequently our phone was cut off. Then the internet was gone and my whole world turned upside down. Just at the point where I had a whole week's […]
I was going to post about the Abu Ghraib affair today, but I was interrupted by a phone call from the Jehovah's Witnesses. Again. <br><blockquote><i>"Hello, I'm calling my neighbors about the conflict."</i><br>"The what?"<br><i>"The conflict in the world today."</i><br>"Which one is that, again?"<br>(Exasperatedly) <i>"The conflict! C-O-M–"</i><br>"Yeah, yeah, the conflict, I get it. Which conflict? Between whom?"<br><i>"Between […]
This post marks the one-year anniversary of my blog. I'm posting this at 5am for two reasons: first, I just got off work, and second, I know I won't be able to post anything tonight. I'll be working all day today and going to a Pete Seeger concert in the evening. Strangely enough, today is […]
The lovely and talented Shana Liebman, curatrix of Heeb Storytelling, e-mailed me the following, which I now share with all of you:<blockquote>Because of a pipe that broke at Grille 88 this weekend, we are moving the event this Thursday to Felix–just 6 blocks up the street. We will also have someone at 88 to redirect […]
I was reading Slashdot and I noticed a story about the new RFID chip they're putting into all the new currency these days. (Slashdot is really a great site for looking at the nitty gritty concerning government programs–they've been covering government-sponsored scams like the Diebold voting machine and TIA for a long time now.) To […]
Damn, I am not good at updating regularly. I swear the comment thingy is almost working, but I've just been very busy lately. What I have had time to do is get myself a gig at the next <b>Heeb Storytelling</b> event in <font color=blue><b>Washington DC</b></font>. It is beingheld at something called "<font color=red><b>Grille 88</b></font>," at […]
I just got a phone call. I picked up and the woman on the other end started talking about some sort of problem, but I was a little groggy and asked her to repeat herself. "Do you think that there's anyone who can solve all the problems?" she asked. "Problems? Which problems?" "You know, all […]
Someone said to me, "yours is not a bullshit blog," a compliment for which I am grateful. I know that many people who have blogs post the most banal details of their day in drearily minute and unnecessary detail. At the same time, there are lots of blogs (see links section) of a personal nature […]
Know the following: I am a political junkie, and I am also prone to reading jags. Sometimes, I fixate on a subject and exhaust many hours reading as much as I possibly can about it. When I was a kid, for example, I took out every book I could find about astronomy in the space […]
Dear Mr. Powell, Last night, I had a dream that I was working in your office. You, of course, were genial but serious. Then, you made a crack about a co-worker wearing Army boots to the office. “Yeah,” I agreed, “she doesn’t really have that pummeling sensibility.” (I know, I know, “pummeling sensibility?” It’s a […]
I found the following conversation on my work computer: [My friend Name Withheld is trying to find an aria from Don Giovanni on a file-swapping service] (15:25:51) Name Withheld: sigh…my song still hasn’t finished downloading… (15:26:31) D. J.: You mean the one about the UFOs and conga-line dancing? (15:26:38) D. J.: The one with the […]
So, not to downplay Dave Eggers’ typographic talents or anything, but I find it curious that no one has ever compared the Might/McSweeney’s typesetting and style to the record sleeve on Talking Heads‘ 1985 album, Little Creatures. I swear, it’s like Dave laid out the whole thing himself, from his favorite typeface right down to […]
I’ve had a homepage since 1995. When I was in high school and the Internet was so new and all, I spent a lot of time on my web page. Eventually, the Internet became my trade, and I stopped updating my web pages in favor of paid work. But lately, I’ve been clicking around the […]
