Sometimes I wonder how many times I can restate essentially the same points about Iraq. I’ve been doing it for over four years now. I suppose I should derive some satisfaction from the fact that the majority of Americans are now against the war. Unfortunately, that’s like the majority of Americans being against the Big […]
Yesterday as I was watching Fox News, I heard a small but sharp explosion and the clatter of plastic shrapnel. The batteries in my VCR remote, which I last remember replacing sometime in college, decided that they’d had enough. A cursory examination of the debris showed the batteries were supposed to expire in 2012, with […]
Just wanted to thank everyone who’s been coming to this humble little blog lately. My traffic has doubled, due in no small part to my fellow Koufax nominees linking to my recent post about the whole British-to-Emirate ports deal. Then there are all the people looking up either David Sanborn or Muhammad Sharaf, sometimes in […]
If you didn’t think the White House was bereft of shame or even a sense of irony before, all you need to do is witness the latest salvo in its attempts to whitewash its failures. Today, in the midst of the investigations of Bush’s illegal NSA spying program (Bush supporters might prefer “extralegal” or “supralegal”) […]
Since I seem to be contenting myself with rehashing old themes lately, let’s go with the only one that people consistently seem to enjoy, i.e., actual casual asides. The Bush-NSA Spying Scandal Let us consider, for a moment, the depths of what has been revealed here. To begin with, I entered the words “warrant courts […]
Dear Dr. Krauthammer, I came across your article in the Weekly Standard which argued for two hypothetical exceptions from a blanket ban on torturing prisoners by the U.S. government. I must tell you how strongly I disagree with your conclusions merely on practical grounds (to say nothing of the morality of torturing detainees, a complicated […]
Bush’s October 6th speech at the National Endowment for Democracy was so close to self-parody that for once, Bush’s smirks were actually humorous. It was like a Friar’s Club Speech, if the friars were experts on Middle East affairs. The theme of this speech is the comparison (more precisely, the equation) of Islamist terrorism to […]
As the pro-war contingent of American politics becomes increasingly desperate–oh, who am I kidding, it’s actually just standard operating procedure on both sides of the aisle–we have progressed to ad hominem attacks on prominent anti-war media figures. As with the Dixie Chicks, Michael Moore, Tim Robbins, and so forth, we now have hawks trying to […]
My friend Elephant sometimes says that he’s a pro-market liberal. But he often makes the excellent point that markets are always created by the state. It’s not just regulation which shapes and produces markets; there are the limits of enforcement as well as the means for chartering corporations. Now, I had been harboring some vestigial […]
Often, people think that when I argue with them about the war on terror, or the war in Iraq, or the war in Afghanistan, that I am somehow traitorous or ‘morally indistinguishable’ from a fifth-columnist or Al-Qaeda terrorists. Especially when I note that many of their political complaints are founded (though as I’m sure you […]
Sometimes, when I talk about the foibles of our policies, people ask me, "well, what do you propose?" which is a good question. I prefer strategies which really look to the future, so here are some fun ways for us lefties to think two steps ahead: 1) Regardless of what Karl "The King of Plausible […]
While I was busying myself with other pursuits, Eric’s post about Iraq and Al-Qaeda seems to have prompted a really good discussion with Matt of Cerulean Blue and Mike of No Angst Zone (as always, I’ve arrived stylishly late to the party). In the thick of all this, Mike comes up with an essentially flawed […]
Two recent posts on blogs I read regularly have been bothering me: most disturbing is Time for the West to Close its Borders to Muslim Immigrants over at The Kvetcher, and the other one is DadaHead's post linking to Prof. Brian Leiter's "This is how we shall preach to the converted" manifesto. I'll take on […]
When Lincoln freed the slaves (in Confederate territory only, of course), some of the most voracious opposition came not from slave owners, but from poor whites. To be sure, there was an economic aspect–freed blacks would now be competing for jobs–but there was a more important and deeper social logic behind their opposition. If you […]
Last week, I pitched a TV show to a certain famous filmmaker and TV producer, and I have yet to hear a response. So, I figure I might as well share it with you, dear readers, because based on the horrified responses I get from other people I tell about it, it’ll never get made. […]
More back-and-forth about torture and whether or not the Geneva Convention ought to apply to people suspected of terrorism (who do they think they are, Nazis?) prompted a little more research on my part, which is how I found the following excerpt from an AP report from June 17th 2005 entitled "Top U.S. attorney defends […]
It's official, Eric Grumbles Before the Grave is my new favorite site to troll for argument-picking. Yesterday Eric took a fine sentiment likeblock|Dean [Esmay] gives some good advice on how to make comparisons of things you find abhorrent, including this pearl: Here's a suggestion for serious-minded critics: why not stop with the invidious comparisons entirely, […]
The Baffler, which I will go on record as saying is the best magazine in America (even though it is even more irregularly published than the magazine I work for), had a very interesting piece about the National Rifle Association several issues ago. It talked about a single NRA convention in the sixties when the […]
Within an hour of hearing about the attacks on Spetember 11th, I figured out that Ashcroft and company were going to use the attacks to curtail civil liberties, the same way the Reichstag fire was used by the NSDAP at the beginning of its reign of terror. And lo, Congress came to pass the "Uniting […]
As I mentioned earlier, many people are now considering the latest positive evelopments in the Middle East as proof that our heavy-handed approach to foreign policy might not be pretty, but that it "gets results." (Didn't I hear Jon Stewart with a variation of this meme on the Daily Show a while ago?) Wars, when […]
While reading this article about Dame Stella Rimington, it occurs to me that the Republican platform isn't trying to take us back to the 1920s the way everyone seems to think it is. What they're actually trying to do is turn the clock back to the 1770s. Except this time, we're the colonial oppressors. It's […]
Things had gotten so bad I was actually looking forward to former NYC Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik being appointed chief of Homeland Security by President Bush. If we have to have this stupid sounding position, we might as well have a reliable technocrat to lead it. But of course, it is not to be. Even […]
In previous posts, I talked about some of the reasons I fear the second-term Bush presidency. But prognostication is a tricky business. When I first left the States in '98, I had definitely not forseen that we would have had a major (and preventable) terrorist strike on my hometown, much less three ensuing, simultaneous wars. […]
You know, it occurs to me that all of those who supported the war at first but are now against it (I'm looking at you, Mr. Kerry) have this credibility problem when it comes to honestly assessing our rush to war. At this point, Bush's only defense, the only rational defense, is to say that […]
I was walking in and out of the vice presidential debates at work last night, and I heard Edwards say (and presumably Cheney agree) that “the best defense is a good offense” with regard to terrorism. Let’s block that sports metaphor, shall we? One of the problems the Bush administration (and, sounds like possibly the […]
I've read somewhere that some liberal groups are pressuring the reporters in question to give up their sources. I think this is a bad idea. There's a reason this is against journalistic ethics–you need to know that you will be protected if you go to a journalist, any journalist. It would be very unprofessional of […]
It's like somebody pricked the White House and it can't stop leaking. Why can't they control themselves from compromising vital operations in the War on Terror? First it was Plame, and then they ruined a one-in-a-million chance at infiltrating Al-Qaeda by announcing that we had flipped one Mohammed Naeem Noor Khan, thereby ending his career […]
OK, I just have to add about the last post: There's another problem with interrogating three young Muslim men praying before they get on the flight. Assuming that an al-Qaeda operative wouldn't be stupid enough to do something like that after they'd already cleared 90% of airport security (read that one first), what happens to […]
I was watching Bill Maher's "Real Time" just now and they were talking about racial profiling with D. L. Hughley (who was awesome and very funny and right), Emmanuel Rahm, and evil conservative Michelle Malkin. She and Maher agreed on the necessity of racial profiling. They started talking about the CBS interview of Transportation Secretary […]
Yesterday I talked about the inneffectiveness of torture and racial profiling. To sum up, torture increases the likelihood of false positives while turning innocents against the government. Racial profiling works similarly, except that it allows more terrorists who don't fit the racial profile to pass through our fingers. One of the other problems with racial […]
A few days ago, I was engaged in a conversation about the use of torture with a colleague. It started when he asked me my opinion about Israel–I said that I don't like it when countries violate human rights, and I don't play favorites. Besides, torture is ineffective in gathering information. "That might be a […]
I was reading Slashdot and I noticed a story about the new RFID chip they're putting into all the new currency these days. (Slashdot is really a great site for looking at the nitty gritty concerning government programs–they've been covering government-sponsored scams like the Diebold voting machine and TIA for a long time now.) To […]
Forgive me, but I have a small rant about the Administration’s spin on the War on Terrorism. We really need to stop talking (but more importantly, thinking) about the terrorist opposition to the U.S. as if it were a centrally directed opposing army. It’s not. It’s a movement, and it is a new breed of […]
