Later this month in Geneva, the United Nations will be holding what it calls the Durban Review Conference (a.k.a. “Durban II”) to “evaluate progress towards the goals set by the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance in Durban, South Africa, in 2001.” Part of the agenda at Durban II will be […]
In 1517, a young monk named Martin Luther, began a new era in Christianity by declaring his independence from what he saw as the excesses and iniquities of the Roman Catholic Church. Having kicked off the Reformation by nailing an itemized list of complaints to a church door, Luther challenged not only the orthodoxy of […]
Dear readers, exciting things are happening. Here’s a quick review of the past few months. That Book I’m Always Talking About For the last two years, I’ve been writing a non-fiction book—it’s what I’m doing when I’m not posting here. When people ask me what the book is about, I usualy say something like, “it’s […]
Welcome to another edition of actual casual asides, seasoned as usual with gotchas and I-told-you-sos. Ask Not For Whom The Bell Tolls… The United States and our allies have no rational interest in disclosing how many people we’ve killed in Iraq and Afghanistan if that number is inclusive of civilians. “We don’t do body counts,” […]
Sometimes I wonder how many times I can restate essentially the same points about Iraq. I’ve been doing it for over four years now. I suppose I should derive some satisfaction from the fact that the majority of Americans are now against the war. Unfortunately, that’s like the majority of Americans being against the Big […]
Since my last post, the Middle East broke out into yet another war between right-wing militarists and Islamist militias, and President Bush went on a rhetorical offensive to shore up support for the war in Iraq (he hardly seems to mention Afghanistan anymore). Even though I haven’t posted on my blog for a while, I […]
As the Senate geared up to vote on a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage last week, derisive howls were heard throughout the country when Senate Majority Leader Frist declared it a legislative priority. Though it’s clear that this ultimately doomed gesture was nothing but the purest pandering to cultural conservatives, there is a hidden truth […]
I exhort you, faithful readers, to vote for my blog in the Best Writing category of the Koufax Awards. I have this fantasy of winning out over 126 contenders. As the Mets say, You Gotta Believe. Please, vote here (it says the voting hasn’t opened yet, but it has): Wampum’s Koufax Award for Best Writing […]
It’s a busy week; there hasn’t been much time for blogging lately. I was considering posting something about it that read, “light posting ahead, sorry folks.” Then I remembered I don’t post that often in the first place, so I won’t be making any apologies. Ha! There’s a quality/quantity tradeoff, especially when it comes to […]
Since my internet connection went down earlier this week, I’ve been sitting and stewing about various things: No Blogging on Yom Kippur A few days ago, I was lamenting the fact that my traffic had been flagging lately. It’s not like I don’t know why; I don’t post every day, like most blogs do. These […]
Since I seem to be contenting myself with rehashing old themes lately, let’s go with the only one that people consistently seem to enjoy, i.e., actual casual asides. The Bush-NSA Spying Scandal Let us consider, for a moment, the depths of what has been revealed here. To begin with, I entered the words “warrant courts […]
Note: I’ve been busy and uninspired lately. Actually, I’ve been trying to pitch articles to magazines instead of working like a dog to fact-check stuff for a blog that relatively few people read. The market has wreaked its horrible toll on this blog, I’m afraid. But don’t despair, I found this draft from a while […]
You may recall, from last November, the media talking about "values," which is the politically correct word for "Christian." Political correctness, by the way, is just another invention of the market in that political operative have become brand managers–they've carefully chosen the word "values" to mean something very specific. And yet, the word "values" is […]
I was watching CNN recently, and a crawl went by that read, "RATZINGER'S PARENTS WERE ANTI-NAZI." That's kind of an odd thing to report, I thought. That was before I found out about his Nazi past, among other things, in this excellent Salon article by Sidney Blumenthal. The story is that Ratzinger and his brother […]
Yesterday, the New York Times Op-Ed page published an unusually long (and very good) retrospective of Einstein's work. It commemmorated the hundredth anniversary of his banner year in physics publishing; not only was this the year of "E=mc2", but of the declaration that though light appears to be a wave, it is actually composed of […]
Now that the Pope is dead, I have thankfully been exempted from watching CNN. I have no interest in watching them comment on the mourners. Sample coverage, paraphrased:block|"What is the scene like down there, Jeff?" "Well the mourners are coming through… there are about 7000 people here to pay their respects… it seems they're moving […]
Speaking of religion and debunking mythology, I came across this article on “the Global Consciousness Project”, who claim the following: To have a “black box” which generates a random string of ones and zeroes; That “[a]gain and again, entirely ordinary people proved that their minds could influence the machine and produce significant fluctuations on the […]
I'm not sure what to make of Bloomberg's appeal of the gay marriage decision. Hizzoner, in a single speech, mind you, said that he was personally for gay marriage, but then "block| In his remarks in Chinatown, the mayor said city lawyers had told him that the ruling "was incorrect, that the current state Constitution […]
I was going through my logs today, fiddling around because I was at a loss for a quick topic to post about. Then I noticed that someone from the Jehovah's Witnesses stopped by just now, looking for "Jehovah's Witnesses" on some blog search engine. I wonder if this is part of a concerted effort to […]
This evening, I got a phone call from my cousin, who used to work at the Heritage Foundation. Needless to say, we often disagree about politics, and we all know how much I enjoy a good debate. The following is a condensed account of our conversation. “The first amendment says that Congress shall make no […]
I knew it. The Supreme Court threw out Newdow's case on a technicality. Arguing that Newdow does not have standing to file the case because he is a non-custodial parent, the Supreme Court weaseled their way out of making the most important church-state ruling this session. It's not like the Supreme Court has a problem […]
I was going to post about the Abu Ghraib affair today, but I was interrupted by a phone call from the Jehovah's Witnesses. Again. <br><blockquote><i>"Hello, I'm calling my neighbors about the conflict."</i><br>"The what?"<br><i>"The conflict in the world today."</i><br>"Which one is that, again?"<br>(Exasperatedly) <i>"The conflict! C-O-M–"</i><br>"Yeah, yeah, the conflict, I get it. Which conflict? Between whom?"<br><i>"Between […]
So, Michael Newdow argued his case before the Supreme Court yesterday. Having already written a lengthy article on why Newdow should win, I think the most efficient way to approach this topic is ‘fisking’ the New York Times’ excerpts: CHIEF JUSTICE REHNQUIST: What — what you say is, I pledge allegiance to the flag of […]
I just got a phone call. I picked up and the woman on the other end started talking about some sort of problem, but I was a little groggy and asked her to repeat herself. "Do you think that there's anyone who can solve all the problems?" she asked. "Problems? Which problems?" "You know, all […]
I was just watching a special on PBS about the religious <i>kulturkampf</i> in America today; this, I must admit, is my favorite issue in American politics. Lots of ground was covered, but I wanted to make a point about the gay marriage debate. Bryant Gumbel got Rev. Dr. Bob Wenz (VP of "National Ministries" for […]
I was doing a search on Thomas today, looking for a random National Day of This or That. I came across a proposal for the National Day of Prayer And Fasting. Actually, it’s stump speech given by Senator Nickles in favor of S.Res.91 which was proposed by Senators Santorum and Brownback. Here’s a sample: March, […]
