I’ve decided to resurrect my dear old blog, now a rambunctious and neglected eight-year old–today! On May 6th in 2003, I decided to start a blog instead of sending my friends links to stuff via Instant Messenger. Back, then, I had to carry these posts uphill both ways; I built my own blog software and […]
Usually I talk about politics here, with slight detours into science or arts or things like that, but on the sixth anniversary of Casual Asides, I’ve decided to turn to the foundational element of this blog: technology—specifically, the World Wide Web. Six years is a long time on the Internet, and even longer in the […]
There are a few topics I try to avoid on this blog; Israel, monetary policy, cats. But I suppose the most glaring omissions are feminist concerns (closely followed by Darfur, a topic about which I have long struggled to write without much success). I’m not going to offer some lame excuse like “I just don’t […]
Let me state at the outset that I am a huge, huge fan of both Tim O’Reilly and Jimmy Wales. I own several O’Reilly books, and obviously I use wikipedia all the time. I respect them immensely, and we should all bow before their superior technological wisdom. Except in this case: A widely forwarded New […]
One of the things I need to do is update my links. I am very, very remiss; first of all, I need to link to my friend Kid Twist's site, Teleolgical Non-Sequitur, because he links to me and I ought to link to him anyway. Also, another blog called Corpus Callosum links to me, so […]
I was reading Slashdot and I noticed a story about the new RFID chip they're putting into all the new currency these days. (Slashdot is really a great site for looking at the nitty gritty concerning government programs–they've been covering government-sponsored scams like the Diebold voting machine and TIA for a long time now.) To […]
A while ago, I mentioned that there was a new Charles Manson website, www.4a4r.com, which replaced the old www.atwa.com. Well, an alert reader informs me that 4a4r is down, but www.atwa.info is still up! I deeply apologize to those misled readers desperately seeking information from and about Charles Manson. Oh, before I forget, you can […]
From: D. J. Waletzky To: The Internet Oracle Subject: Re: Answer #QYGaari, the Oracle requires an answer to this question. Date: 18 Jun 2003 05:46:32 -0400 On Wed, 2003-06-18 at 04:33, The Internet Oracle wrote: { The Internet Oracle requires an answer to this question! { { O Oracle most wise in the ways of […]
As soon as I heard they were embedding Windows into heavy machinery, I knew something bad was going to happen. And now, a Thai government official had to be rescued from suffocating inside his BMW (running Windows CE, of course.) BMW says Windows wasn’t to blame, but I don’t believe them, particularly when the article […]
After the mysterious demise of www.atwa.com, a new Charlie Manson site has popped up–www.4a4r.com! Yes, the only semi-official source for information about wacko murderous cult leader Charles Manson, from the pro-Manson perspective. You’ll find hours of amusement reading Manson’s letters from prison. It’s even more fun to make your friends do dramatic readings from them!
I’ve had a homepage since 1995. When I was in high school and the Internet was so new and all, I spent a lot of time on my web page. Eventually, the Internet became my trade, and I stopped updating my web pages in favor of paid work. But lately, I’ve been clicking around the […]
